Client Management for Accounting Firms

High Quality Accounting CRM

The complete accounting client management tool holds client details, contacts, tasks, communication, notes, and documents in one place.

Uku's client profile view
Kristupas Binkys
“Our core value propositions are cost-efficiency, reliability and transparency. Uku helps us deliver all that and more.”

Kristupas Binkys.

Baltic Assist

Accounting firm client management feature simplifies collaboration within the firm

Accounting firm client management software simplifies collaboration within the firm

The comprehensive client profile keeps employees

informed​ and ready for action

Substitute colleagues easily

Uku's client view

Centralized customer information makes substituting employees easy

Uku's client view
Uku's task plan view

Quick overview of your clients' tasks

Client's work overview improves service quality

Uku's task plan view

Quickly transfer data to your accounting software

You can conveniently import customer information into Uku in two ways:


Uku import makes data transfer quick and easy

Uku and Merit Aktiva logo

You can conveniently import customer information into Uku in two ways:

Accounting client management software features

Accounting client management software features


Enter all customer contact information in Uku so they’re always at hand for all team members.

Notes and documents

Add all important information in one place. This way leave replacements and employee changes go smoothly.

Custom fields

To the customer profile you can add all the information that is important for you, e.g. keep track of the client’s accounting program and banks.

Passwords and rights

Uku is a secure platform for storing passwords. Conveniently keep track of who has access rights to banks or public authorities.

Client work plans

Convenient overview of the client’s tasks and their statuses. When creating a work plan for a client, you can use templates created by yourself or Uku.

User rights

User rights let every employee see only the information they need. The supervisor also sees an overview of colleagues’ tasks.

Import and export

Customer data is importable and exportable. Bring your entire customer base to Uku with all relevant information. The exported file contains users added to the client, assigned rights, etc.

Client agreements monitoring

Keep an eye on workloads and operate profitably. Uku will notify you if the work done for the customer exceeds the agreed amount, so you can react in time.

Automated billing

Set up invoicing based on a fixed, hourly or piece rate. Hereinafter, Uku will automatically generate invoices for you. You can also send invoices directly from Uku.

Start a free trial or get a demo.

Elevate your efficiency with Uku, the powerful yet easy-to-use accounting practice management software.

Rain Allikvee

Let’s create a dream, where the team is happy, clients are well served and profits are fair.

Rain Allikvee / Uku’s co-founder