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Client Portal Software for Accountants

Elevate Your
Customer Service

  • Get your client’s documents fast.
  • Magic Links to your branded portal.
  • Digitize invoices with a click.

TOP Accounting practice management SOFTWARE

Uku Client Portal

It is incredible how our client’s tasks are easily integrated into the workflow.  Less emails, less client chasing, and most importantly, clients love our client portal.


Michael H.

IT manager

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Uku’s Client Portal puts the client first, makes collecting missing documents and communication effortless, and is very easy to use.

Anu A.


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A year with Uku and we can serve 38% more customers. Couldn’t imagine life without Uku.
Annika Lattik
Annika L.


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Client Accounting Data Collection

Accountants spend up to 30% of their working day on emails. Now, sending countless emails to your clients is the past. 


Bring clients to your accounting client portal and assign them tasks with a magic link for easy file sharing. Uku handles the follow-ups and deadline reminders to get documents quickly, saving you valuable time.


Accountant-Client Communication

Message directly through the client portal with your client’s multiple contacts. Effortlessly clarify document details or answer queries and questions. Assign clients tasks and checklists, request files, and keep everyone on track. 

When sharing everything in the client portal, your team can respond quickly and efficiently.


Task Reminders for Clients

“I love sending my clients 3 reminders per week!”
- said no one ever.


No more chasing clients for details via email. Uku’s secure client portal sends automatic reminders, letting your accounting team use their valuable time for accounting, analytical, and advisory tasks.


Document Digitisation

Integrate your client portal with any document digitalization partner. With just a click to digitize, Uku will instantly send shared files through your digitization partner to the accounting software.


Client portal ensures efficient document management and saves time.

Hassle-Free Client Login
with a Magic Link

We guarantee hassle-free onboarding of your clients to the client portal.


No more forgotten passwords or usernames with our magic link technology.


Clients can join without a username or password. Simple and secure access every time using any device.

Use Multilingual
Communication with Clients

Your clients want a portal that speaks their language. Your branded client portal is even more personal and easy to use in your client’s native language.

Uku currently supports English and Estonian. Coming soon: German, Danish, Polish, Lithuanian and Latvian.

Customise Your Client Portal with Your Branding

Add your logo, description, icons, and colours to create your branded experience.


Encourage clients to share files in real-time through magic links on your portal, so their accessible anywhere – at the office or on the go in your smartphone or email.

The All-in-One Practice Management Solution Saves You Time and Money

Uku connects everything your accounting practice needs to master work in one place:


workflow management, client portal, file sharing, client communication, automated invoices, emails, tasks, and much more.

Securely Share and
Receive Information from Accounting Clients

Accountants are one of the most popular targets for phishing scammers. We take cyber security very seriously and do the hard work of protecting your client’s financial information.


Uku uses TLS 1.3 encryption to keep all the documents and communication secure.

Connect Your Accounting Document Management

Integrate your Google Drive, One Drive, Dropbox, or any other cloud document management system you use for your clients with Uku.


Set up your clients’ folders in their profiles to manage your documents in a safe place.

How Much Money Will I Save With a Client Portal Software?

How Much Money Will I Save With a Client Portal Software?

Implementing an accountancy client portal could add

€40,000+ of value to your firm.


Here are the calculations:

20 accountants with an average salary of €45,000 annually
usually spend 2 hours daily chasing clients for data.


That is over 2,000 hours a year
and over 50 weeks of work!


Uku’s client portal for accountants is not just a tool
– it’s an investment into profits.

How to Get the Most Value from Accountant Client Portal Software?

How to Get the Most Value from Accountant Client Portal Software?

Top 3 Accountantcy Client Portal Use Cases:

Client Portal Use Case 1

Gather client information

  1. Set up a recurring task
    starting from the 1st of the month and a deadline on the 5th.

  2. Add a to-do list of required documents
    for every month, plus the option to add new ones. Assign the task in the client portal.

  3. Uku notifies the client via email
    with a follow-up a day before the deadline and reminders if the task is overdue.

  4. The client adds requested documents
    and answers questions. The accountant can complete work on time without chasing documents.

Client Portal Use Case 2

Make finance reviews easier

    1. Set a recurring task
      with the meeting agenda, report links and notes.

  1. Add a meeting link
    and assign it to the Client Portal with your message.

  2. The client will be notified via email
    to prepare the questions for the meeting.

  3. Make a meeting memo
    and add it to the notes with the video recording so it is always easy to find.

Client Portal Use Case 3

Simplified client onboarding

  1. Assign an onboarding task
    connected with dependence tasks to the client from the template.

  2. Add specific questions
    you need to know about the specifics of the client.

  3. The client will be notified via email
    with a follow-up to get things done.

  4. The client performs actions, for example, shares access (tax office, bank) and sends the necessary reports.
The Uku Vision

The Future of Accounting
Practice Client Portals

We are driven by the desire to elevate your efficiency, enabling you to achieve more with less effort and increase your earnings. We work hard to bring the following solutions for you:


The answers to client portal software questions:

  1. Select “Settings” from Uku’s main menu and open the “Client Portal” app.
  2. Select “Activate” to confirm your choice.
  3. Read in detail how to set up the client portal.

Yes! Your branding is essential to improve your clients’ work experience. You can add your logo, an icon, your brand’s colours, a domain name, and a description. You can also see the preview of your Client Portal before inviting clients.

Your clients can access your Client Portal through a magic link sent to their email. There are no user names or passwords.


There are 2 ways to add clients to your Client Portal:

  1. From the Clients menu one by one or in bulk. Select the clients you want to add to the Client Portal and click Client portal. You can choose whether your clients get an invitation to the Client Portal as an email. This way, when your client enters the portal for the first time, they’ll see a welcome video and get an introductory sample task.
  2. If you don’t select the Client Portal invitation, they’ll receive an email when their accountant assigns them a task.


The Client Portal can also be opened for the clients in their profile if you specify “Client Portal open”. In this case, the Client Portal opens silently, i.e. your client will not receive an invitation or a letter, and no sample task will appear on their dashboard.

The client profile is free for anyone subscribed to Uku with a Team or Enterprise plan! Check out the prices here. 

The client profile has many benefits. Here are some of them:


  1. Save hours of your time from chasing clients and sending numerous reminder emails.
  2. All your client communication is in one place instead of a messy email inbox.
  3. Clients are impressed by the innovative and easy-to-use technology you offer them. Not even your clients like sending emails.

Read more about the benefits a client portal offers accounting firms here.

Yes! Uku’s client portal is with you anywhere you go.

Have a question?

Highly Valued Accounting Practice Management Software

Valued by over 4000 customers


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Start a free trial or get a demo.

Elevate your efficiency with Uku, the powerful yet easy-to-use accounting practice management software.

Rain Allikvee

Let’s create a dream, where the team is happy, clients are well served and profits are fair.

Rain Allikvee / Uku’s co-founder