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8 First Steps in Marketing for Accountants

8 First Steps in Marketing for Accountants


Oct 1, 2024

8 min
marketing for accounting firms

Marketing is an entirely different industry than accounting, yet it’s the most important way clients find you. We can’t continue relying on referrals or word-of-mouth recommendations to get the business blooming, so marketing for accountants is a crucial topic to discuss.

Marketing usually starts with defining who your customers are, creating a strategy, hiring a separate person, determining budgets and so on. All this is too much for an accountant or a small accounting firm wanting to get things done. I’ll teach you the basics of marketing that accountants can easily do. You can start strategizing and taking other higher-level marketing steps if these steps are done.

8 Steps You Need to Take to Get Going when Marketing for Accounting Firms

Create a website for your bookkeeping business

Marketing is all about thinking from the perspective of “What would my client do?”. If you start looking for anything, the first thing you do is Google it. This is how clients find you as an accountant as well.

Creating websites to start your accounting firms marketing journey is effortless these days. You can hire someone to set up a WordPress page, which is the best performing from other website providers, or build it yourself with the help of plugins like Elementor. They have various website templates you can modify to your liking and client attraction.

TIP: Set up your website’s front page so clients understand what’s happening or what they’re looking at in 3 seconds.

So make the headlines interesting, like “Certified bookkeeper to help your business succeed” or something similar that would make you stand out.

For example, this Oakley CPA PLLC website tells you exactly what to expect in three seconds. The first seconds are essential to grab attention, and then the potential client is interested enough to search more. This is a very good example of marketing for accountants.

accounting firm website

If you have a niche, don’t hesitate to mention it in the headline. It would also help if you added a picture of yourself on the front page, which creates trust.

Write a blog on accounting topics to attract clients

When you have a website, it must appear on Google, Bing, or any other search partner. How do the providers choose which pages to show up? It’s called SEO or search engine optimization in the marketing world. I’ll explain it simply.

TIP: Search engines first show the pages that are useful for the reader.

Useful means it provides information about the topic, like bookkeeping. There are specific keywords people search for, such as “Accountants in (city)” or “How to do my taxes?” You can look up popular search keywords from Ahrefs, the all-in-one marketing intelligence platform, for free. To make readers find you online and keep reading your articles, you should mention these topics on your website or write articles about them.

accounting search keywords

What topics should the articles in my accounting blog cover?

Write about something your clients would search on Google. Try something like “VAT Changes in (this year)” or “What to Keep in Mind When Preparing an Annual Report?” You’ll find ways to add a little touch of why the reader should hire you to do their accounting to the article. For example:

“To make the process easier, hire (my accounting firm name) to do your taxes.”

Publish in other outlets like newspapers, etc.

When you have marketing experience in writing an accounting blog, publishing your articles in other news outlets, blogs, etc would be useful.

TIP: When posting a guest post or article online, add a link to your website.

There are two accounting firm marketing benefits to this:

  1. This is how Google or others see a page as reliable.
  2. Clients can find the services you offer and your contacts on your website

Write case studies of accounting clients

When you have a blog and a few clients, share how you helped your clients raise profits, solve tax problems, grow their firm or any other topic you, as an accountant, can help clients. Case studies are one of the most valued marketing strategies, and it works just as well for accountants.

Reading about how other firms, maybe even competitors, is a great way to make potential clients feel left out or create FOMO. You should make yourself look so valuable that people want your services, and you don’t even have to beg them to try your services.

TIP: Case studies also show potential clients that you’re reliable.

After reading your client’s case study, your new potential clients now have contacts to ask for information about you as a service provider.

Use email marketing for accountants

Let’s continue with the marketing topics for bookkeepers. Email marketing is easier when you have contacts which you can gather from your webpage. If you have extra time, search the web for contacts of local businesses. Gather the emails into an Excel sheet and prepare a cold email.

If you’re thinking of emails what to send as a bookkeeper, I have two helpful articles for you:

  1. How to write a bookkeeping engagement letter?
  2. 11 email templates for accountants

How do I send emails as an accountant?

You could just send marketing emails from your Gmail account, but this is available only to a certain level. Try an email automation platform made for email marketing, like Mailchimp, for example. The program even helps you create and design emails; you can automate their sending.

TIP: Set up a getting referrals email to send to your existing clients 60 days after they start working with you.

In marketing, 60 days is considered the right time to let clients know how good you are at your work and encourage them to recommend you to a friend in need. You could offer a discount for a contact who becomes your client. Here’s an email template for you.

Asking for a referral email template

Subject: Let’s Grow Our Partnership!

Dear [Client’s Name],

I hope this email finds you well. It’s been a pleasure working with you, and I want to express my appreciation for your trust in our accounting services.

As we continue working together, I’d like to extend an opportunity that could benefit both your network and your business:

  1. If you know anyone—a friend, colleague, or business partner—who might need reliable accounting services, I would be grateful for an introduction.
  2. As a token of my appreciation for your referral, I’m offering a special discount: If your referred contact becomes a client, you’ll receive a 30% discount on your next month’s services.

To take advantage of this offer, simply send me the contact information of anyone you think might benefit from our services. I’ll reach out to them personally, mentioning your recommendation.

Thank you again for your business and trust. I look forward to continuing our work together and expanding our professional circle.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Company]

[Contact Information]

Create a social media presence for your accounting firm

Social media marketing helps show potential accounting clients you exist, know how to use technology, and builds reliability. You might even receive extra attention if you’re very good at creating posts that receive more attention than just a few likes from your friends and clients.

There are two ways for an accountant to handle social media marketing. You can post a few times a week or even monthly to remind yourself that you exist. The second option is to start creating content regularly that will gain attention. Videos are one of the best ways to do this.

TIP: Educational, interesting or funny posts gain the most attention.

It’s not recommended to share only information about yourself or your services; instead, make your content helpful to others.

Example of a monthly content plan for accounting firm social media.

Week 1

Post 1: Tax Tip

  • Content: “Did you know you can deduct [specific tax deduction] from your taxable income? Here’s how it works!”
  • Format: Quick tip graphic or short video explaining a tax deduction.
  • Call to Action (CTA): “Need help understanding deductions? We can help!”

Post 2: Behind-the-Scenes Insight

  • Content: “Ever wonder what it’s like for accountants during tax season? Here’s a sneak peek!”
  • Format: Image of the team working or preparing for tax season.
  • CTA: “We’re here to make the process smooth for you!”

Week 2

Post 1: Client Testimonial

  • Content: Share a positive client testimonial with a visual of a happy customer.
  • Format: Image of the quote with branding.
  • CTA: “We’re proud to help businesses like [Client Name]. See how we can help you, too!”

Post 2: Accounting Tip for Small Business Owners

  • Content: “5 bookkeeping mistakes to avoid in your business”
  • Format: Carousel post with each mistake on a slide or infographic.
  • CTA: “Need bookkeeping assistance? Contact us for expert help.”

Week 3

Post 1: Industry News or Tax Update

  • Content: “Breaking: New tax regulations for small businesses in 2024 – Here’s what you need to know!”
  • Format: Text or video explaining key takeaways.
  • CTA: “We’re here to guide you through these changes. Reach out for personalized advice.”

Post 2: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Content: Answer a common question like “What’s the difference between an accountant and a bookkeeper?”
  • Format: Q&A-style post with a visual or a short video.
  • CTA: “Got more questions? Let’s chat!”

Week 4

Post 1: Financial Planning Tip

  • Content: “Why having a financial plan for your business is crucial in 2024 – 3 tips to get started.”
  • Format: Informative video or blog post link.
  • CTA: “Need help with financial planning? Contact us today.”

Post 2: Fun Fact Friday

  • Content: “Did you know that [interesting historical fact about accounting or taxes]?”
  • Format: Fun image or graphic related to the fact.
  • CTA: “Want to learn more about how accounting impacts your business? Let’s chat!”

Host free accounting webinars

Who does not like free stuff? It’s even better when I get the benefit of it. For example, I learn about new taxes or something that affects my profits as a business owner. And if someone knows all this information, why wouldn’t I want to get more useful information from them? Marketing is a good way to solve this.

This is why free accounting webinars are an excellent marketing channel for finding new bookkeeping clients.

TIP: Show your accounting expertise and build trust with potential clients by offering valuable insights at a free webinar.

These webinars provide a platform to discuss complex financial topics, recent regulatory changes, or strategies for business growth, demonstrating the accountant’s knowledge and ability to add value to a business.

In addition, you can require everyone who wants to see the webinar to enter their email address.

TIP: This is an easy way to gather the email addresses of potential clients.

Later, you can send them the emails you’ve planned in your email marketing. After the webinar, take advantage of these leads by sending relevant content, special offers, or invitations to future events.

Webinars allow attendees to ask questions in real time, engaging potential clients and addressing their specific concerns.

TIP: Recorded webinars can be repurposed as social media snippets.

Valuable video content is one of the best-performing social media posts, potentially bringing many new accounting clients to your firm.

Leverage online directories and review sites

Online directories and review sites are a smart way to boost your accounting firm’s marketing without spending a fortune.

Getting your bookkeeping firm listed on sites like CPA directory or Google My Business puts you right where potential clients are looking. When someone needs an accountant, you want your name to pop up. These directories are great for connecting with accounting clients because most business owners prefer working with nearby professionals.

Reviews play a significant role in decision-making. Good feedback on these platforms builds trust and helps when someone chooses between you and another accounting service provider.

You also get to showcase your expertise. Most directories let you create detailed profiles highlighting your qualifications and services. It’s a chance to tell potential clients exactly what you offer.

There’s an added bonus for your online presence, too.

TIP: Being listed on reputable directories improves your search engine rankings, which boosts overall online visibility.

The best part? This form of marketing is usually very cost-effective. Most directories are either free or low-cost to join.

Your first eight steps to marketing for accountants

There, you have eight practical steps to kickstart your accounting firm’s marketing efforts. Remember, marketing doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Start small, be consistent, and focus on providing value to your audience.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different approaches to see what works best for your firm. Most importantly, be patient. Good marketing takes time, but the results are well worth the effort.

Choose one or two strategies from this list and get started. Before you know it, you’ll be well on your way to attracting new clients and growing your accounting practice.

Juuli Pihel
Marketing Specialist at Uku

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