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16 Tips on How to Get Bookkeeping Clients with Little Effort

16 Tips on How to Get Bookkeeping Clients with Little Effort


Oct 14, 2024

6 min
how to find bookkeeping clients

You might be the best in the world at running a business or doing bookkeeping, but does that help if you don’t have any clients? You need to put your theoretical knowledge to practice. But how to get bookkeeping clients?

Now, getting more clients is optional when you’ve reached the point where you have enough work to bring food to the table. But if you’re aiming for more, ready to take on new employees, and want to conquer the world with your accounting firm, the question remains: How do you get bookkeeping clients? And since marketing or hiring is probably not your area of expertise, it should be as easy as possible.

How do I get my first bookkeeping client?

If you’re starting, the tips we’ll discuss will undoubtedly be helpful, but you might need a different approach. Finding your first client takes work because you don’t seem reliable yet to potential customers who don’t know you. That’s why you need to start with someone who knows you have a good heart and are hard-working.

Announce that you’re an accountant now

Let’s be honest. The first client you get is someone you know. Talk to friends or family, contact former colleagues, or post on social media. Let everybody know you’re smarter than ever and ready to help anyone in need.

This is the easiest way to start when you have yet to have potential clients coming your way soon.

Let’s move on and talk about getting more clients to grow your bookkeeping firm.

16 easy ways to get bookkeeping clients

  1. Create a website
  2. Write a blog
  3. Have a social media presence
  4. Publish in local newspapers, etc.
  5. Write case studies
  6. Use email marketing
  7. Join a community or professional associations
  8. Network with purpose
  9. Distribute information about yourself
  10. Provide free valuable information
  11. Ask for referrals
  12. Trade referrals
  13. Start catering to a niche
  14. Create variety in your packages
  15. Offer freebies or free consultations
  16. Get bookkeeping certifications

Let’s start with the marketing side of how to get bookkeeping clients. Here is a brief overview of the steps you should take.

If you want to learn more in-depth about marketing for accountants, read our article: “8 First Steps in Marketing for Accountants”.

Create a website for your bookkeeping business

Think from the perspective of “What would my client do?”. If you start looking for anything, perhaps a service or a product you need, you first Google it. This is how clients find you as well.

Creating a website for your bookkeeping business is easier than you think. You can either hire someone to set up a WordPress page or create it yourself with the help of user-friendly plugins like Elementor. The key is to set up your website’s front page so that clients understand what’s happening or what they’re looking at in 3 seconds.

If you have a niche, don’t hesitate to mention it in the headline.

Write a blog on accounting topics to attract clients

When you have a website, it’s important for it to appear on Google, Bing, or any other search partner.

Google shows the pages that are useful for the reader.

Useful means it provides information about the topic, like bookkeeping. Think of things your clients might Google search for, and these are the topics you should mention on your website or write articles about.

You can look up popular search keywords from Ahrefs, the all-in-one marketing intelligence platform, for free. To make readers find you online and keep reading your articles, you should mention these topics on your website or write articles about them.

accounting search keywords

Publish in other outlets like newspapers or other publications

Publishing in newspapers and other outlets brings your firm attention from new people who have yet to hear about you. You can show yourself as an expert while reaching a broader audience, which is the best way to catch the attention of interested people.

Identify local newspapers or industry-specific publications that align with your target market. Then, take your existing blog articles or write new ones. The articles should address common financial challenges, provide tips, or discuss recent changes in tax laws, the topics that offer valuable information for readers.

Write case studies of accounting clients

When you have a blog and a few clients, share how you helped your clients out with the world.

Case studies show potential clients that you’re reliable and provide them with a few contacts to ask for information about you as a service provider. This can boost their confidence in your abilities and increase their likelihood of choosing you as their bookkeeper.

Use email marketing for accountants

Gather email addresses on your website by asking people to leave them or searching the web for contacts from local businesses. Then, put the emails into an Excel sheet to have an overview and start sending them. Automating the emails would be wise so you don’t waste time sending them. There are several platforms for doing email marketing, like Mailchimp for example.

If you’re thinking of emails what to send as a bookkeeper, I have two helpful articles for you:

  1. “How to write a bookkeeping engagement letter?”
  2. “11 email templates for accountants”

Join a community or professional associations

Accounting communities provide a way to communicate with other accounting professionals. If you leave a good impression, they could recommend you if they have a client they can’t serve. Being a part of an association also proves your reliability to clients.

Communities and professional associations often provide members with valuable resources, webinars, courses, or advice, which can help you become the best accountant for your client.

Notable associations for bookkeepers

  1. Institute of Certified Bookkeepers (ICB)
  2. American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers (AIPB)
  3. National Association of Certified Public Bookkeepers (NACPB)
  4. International Association of Bookkeepers (IAB)

Network with purpose at accounting industry events

Networking is something you do at social events when trying to get a connection with someone who could benefit your business somehow.

You must set goals and let your potential networking partners know to get real benefits from networking and not just chat about interesting topics.

Define your networking goals

Know what you want to achieve, whether it’s gaining new clients or finding mentors. Then, regarding the objective, prepare an elevator pitch highlighting what sets you apart. When the opportunity presents itself, do your pitch.

Remember to be a good listener.

This helps you create meaningful connections and people like you for you. Good relationships are bound to open more doors and bring you more clients.

You can network at conferences or events, but you can also do it online, for example, on LinkedIn. Post your ideas about accounting or bookkeeping topics, and remember to comment on others’ posts. Feel free to message someone you find interesting and offer your services or a quick call.

Distribute information about your accounting services

You now have a website. You’ve written blog articles and published them in other outlets. Is that enough? Of course not. Let’s talk about where else you can display your name.

Of course, you’ll have to create social media accounts on platforms that matter: Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, and Instagram.

An empty account is not worth anything.

Therefore, you must post something. It’s okay to post the same information to every platform once a week. Just make sure that the posts are useful, fun, or entertaining. Otherwise, people won’t react and will never reach potential clients.

Then, you can put your ad in the local newspaper or a radio station. People look for accountants nearby so they can get answers to their problems quickly. You’re already building trust if they see your face or your ad daily when commuting.

Provide free valuable finance information

You might already be doing this in your blog or social media. If not, why are you waiting? It’s the easiest way to give your potential clients relevant content and show that you can solve every problem. There are plenty of accounting influencers that have gained hundreds of new clients thanks to posting free information online. One great example is Jason Staats.

There are other ways to share valuable content besides your blog and social media, such as free webinars. The best time to hold a free accounting-themed webinar is when tax laws change, and people need clarification. Research the topic and let social media know that you’re about to answer all their questions.

Don’t forget to gather the attendees’ contact information so you can send them a follow-up email later.

You can also offer free consultations for people in need or add them to a special offer when they use your service. The more your name gets around, the more people want to know who you are.

Ask for referrals for new bookkeeping clients

It’s a two-way street – clients want reliable accountants, and accountants want reliable clients. How to get clients you can trust?

Timing is everything when it comes to asking for referrals from your clients. The best moment to request referrals is right after you’ve completed a project or provided exceptional service and when clients are satisfied.

asking for referrals

Email template for asking for a referral

Subject: A Quick Favor: Referral Request

Hi [Client’s Name],

I hope this message finds you well! Thank you for trusting me to meet your bookkeeping needs. It’s been a pleasure working with you and helping your business thrive.

As I continue to grow my practice, I want to connect with more clients who could benefit from my services. If you know anyone—friends, family, or colleagues—who might be looking for bookkeeping support, I would greatly appreciate it if you could pass my name along or introduce us.

To simplify, I’ve attached a brief overview of my services that you can share. Thank you for considering this; your referrals mean the world to me!

To make it even easier, consider providing a template or specific details about the type of clients you’re looking for. You could also offer incentives for successful referrals, such as discounts on future services.

Example template for your bookkeeping client to ask for referrals for you

Subject: A Quick Favor: Referral Request

Hi [Friend/Colleague’s Name],

I hope you’re doing well! I want to share a fantastic accountant who has greatly helped me with my finances.

I’ve been working with [Accountant’s Name] at [Accountant’s Company Name], and they have provided exceptional service, including [briefly mention specific services, e.g., tax preparation, financial reporting, etc.].

If you or anyone you know is looking for reliable accounting support, I recommend contacting them.

Here are their contact details:

  • Name
  • Company
  • Phone Number
  • Email Address
  • Website

Feel free to pass this along or let me know if you want me to introduce you!

Thanks, and take care!

After receiving referrals, always follow up with a heartfelt thank-you note to express your gratitude; this reinforces your relationship and encourages future referrals. Encourage satisfied clients to leave positive reviews online, as these endorsements can significantly enhance your credibility.

Trade referrals with other accountants

Trading referrals allows accountants and bookkeepers to grow their client base while building mutually beneficial relationships with other professionals.

A well-advertised accountant might have more client candidates than they can serve. Another reason you might have to trade referrals is when a client is looking for a specific niche, such as accounting for a start-up. You might know someone better for them.

Start by contacting complementary partners who may encounter clients needing bookkeeping services. Then, take the time to establish trust through networking events or casual coffee meetings, showcasing your expertise along the way. Once you’re buddies, propose a win-win situation – a referral exchange.

building referral partnerships

Clarify your ideal client profiles to ensure that referrals are relevant and high-quality. Maintain regular communication with your partners, providing updates on your business and seeking feedback after referrals are made.

Remember to express gratitude for any referrals received!

Choose a niche for your accounting firm

Serving a niche market in bookkeeping can help you stand out and attract clients more effectively. If you choose a niche well enough, you might be the only accountant from which certain businesses can get services.

Start by identifying a niche that aligns with your interests and expertise. Craft a clear value proposition on your website and cold emails highlighting how your expertise can solve the industry’s unique challenges. Produce relevant content, such as blog posts or webinars, to establish yourself as an authority in that niche.

Networking is also essential when trying to find niche clients for bookkeeping.

To see the most potential clients, engage with industry-specific groups and attend relevant events. There, you can tell them about yourself and keep them in mind until they buy your service.

I have a story about VEDA Accounting, an accounting firm specialized in start-up bookkeeping. Read how VEDA Accounting makes the most out of providing accounting service for start ups.

Create variety in your bookkeeping packages

Creating variety in your bookkeeping packages is a way to appeal to a broader range of clients because you’ll be catering to their specific needs.

Start by developing tiered packages — basic, advanced, and full-service options. These different accounting pricing packages allow clients to choose the level of support that best fits their requirements and budget.

accountant pricing packages

It would help if you also tried offering customizable services with add-ons like payroll processing or tax preparation, giving clients the flexibility to personalize their experience.

If you go for a niche bookkeeping service, offer specialized packages targeting specific industries.

Communicate clearly what each package includes and provide transparent pricing to build trust. Otherwise, your variable packages are a way to get more money from clients rather than serve them according to their needs.

Offer freebies or free financial consultations

Offering freebies and free consultations is one of the most effective strategies for attracting new clients to your bookkeeping practice. However, it comes at a cost—you’ll have to offer your valuable time for free.

A no-cost consultation shows you have enough knowledge and are not afraid to share it with the world.

During the free consultation sessions, offer to listen to their specific pain points to help you understand their business needs. Even when they take your consultation as knowledge and don’t buy your service immediately, there’s a big chance they’ll return or recommend you to others.

To maximize the impact of your free consultations, promote them on your website, social media pages, and email newsletters, making it easy for potential clients to take advantage of this offer. Consider offering other freebies too, such as informative guides or templates for bookkeeping best practices.

Get more bookkeeping certifications

When looking for help, we all want to choose a professional to help us. You wouldn’t want a doctor who is just interested in healing or medicine. You want a doctor who has attended a school and studied for several years. The same goes for accounting.

Getting certified in bookkeeping shows your credibility, skills, and marketability in the industry.

Certifications from recognized organizations like the National Association of Certified Public Bookkeepers (NACPB) or the American Institute of Professional Bookkeepers (AIPB) validate your expertise and reassure potential clients of your abilities. There are various free online bookkeeping courses with certificates that give you knowledge and leverage.

Not only can certification increase your earning potential, they:

  • Allow you to charge higher rates
  • Open doors to new job opportunities since employers prefer candidates with recognized credentials

How to find bookkeeping clients?

You’ve made it to the end! Getting bookkeeping clients doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Using at least one of these 16 methods, there’s a big chance that you’ll get at least a few new clients. So, let’s conclude what you should do.

  1. Start by creating a solid online presence with a professional website, engaging content, and a few free webinars.
  2. Use the power of online and offline networking to expand your reach.
  3. Feel free to specialize in a niche or offer varied service packages to cater to different client needs.
  4. Always remember the power of referrals and free consultations to build trust and attract new business.

Most importantly, keep learning and growing. Your commitment to excellence will set you apart, whether through certifications, updating industry trends, or refining your marketing strategies.

Remember, every successful bookkeeping practice starts with a single client.

Juuli Pihel
Marketing Specialist at Uku

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